Thursday, May 27, 2010

Term 2 - Week 7 - Exercise (build up to World Cup)

This week we touched briefly on the World Cup by discussing some of the countries who will be taking part and we did a beautiful flag worksheet, the children matched and coloured in the flags appropriately, some were able to write the countries names and others were able to match and paste the names of the countries under each flag. This exercise was extended by some of the older children who took it upon themselves to make their own flags and glue them onto straws for flagpoles(well done, yeladim - I think you are all very clever!!!)
Our main focus was on exercise and a healthy lifestyle.......we discussed what we need to do to keep fit and build up our stamina.....we spoke about the soccer players and how long they have to play for and that in order to play for that length of time without getting tired, they need to do lots and lots of exercise to build up their endurance levels, and discussed ideas on what types of exercise we can do at home...they all seemed very eager and came up with some really good ideas (riding bikes, star jumps, monkey bars, name but a few) We made a little obstacle course where the children got to play leap frog, jumping stars, running and throwing bean bags - they had loads of fun...and got to see how quickly we can get tired from doing exercise and how if we exercise everyday how much fitter we would all be (okay yes mostly myself and Morah Marina were the ones exhausted. I believe the children could have carried on for a lot longer!!!)
Our focus letter this week was 'g' - the children glued with glitter and put hair onto a large blow up of the letter g for...girl, and of course came up with great 'g' words!
We did a math worksheet where the children counted things from soccer balls, soccer boots, goal posts, soccer players...and got to draw their own soccer players.
In life skills we made our very own little soccer people...we coloured them in and used pegs for legs.
Thank you so much to those who have sent beautiful flags and decorations for our bulletin board of the World Cup. We will be continuing our World Cup theme next week so there is still time for you to send anything relating to the World Cup then.
We will be looking at the soccer pitch and the different shapes on it and expanding our knowledge of shapes...but more on that next week.
So watch this space....until we chat again....
With love Morah Mandy


  1. Wonderful how you are linking up the World Cup with themes in the classroom.
    I also heard about Hop Scotch this week?
    Have a great weekend,

  2. Kevin will really enjoy this post - the more exercise the better as far as he is concerned!! Max
